Sunday, June 17, 2012

National Geographic Airtime.

NGC Korea 27 Jun Wednesday 2000hrs "28 Jun Thursday 0800hrs
30 Jun Saturday 0600hrs" 1 PT and 2 FT airings committed

GG China 13 Aug Monday 1 airing committed

NGC Abu Dhabi 30 Jun Saturday (Time TBC) TBC "1 PT and 2 FT airings committed
On condition Ryan Gomes gets script on 1st/2nd June"

NGC Japan 30 Jun Saturday 2000hrs "3 Jul Tuesday 1030hrs
6 Jul Wednesday 0800hrs" 1 PT and 2 FT airings... committed

NGC SEA 6 Jul Friday 2000hrs "7 Jul Sat 0850hrs
13 Jul Fri 0945hrs" "2PT & 4FT airings committed
Siew Ping to advise rest of tx details at a later date"

NGC HK 6 Jul Friday 2000hrs "7 Jul Sat 0850hrs
13 Jul Fri 0945hrs" "2PT & 4FT airings committed
Siew Ping to advise rest of tx details at a later date"

NGC PH 6 Jul Friday 2000hrs "7 Jul Sat 0850hrs
13 Jul Fri 0945hrs" "2PT & 4FT airings committed
Siew Ping to advise rest of tx details at a later date"

NGC Aus/NZ 23 Jun Saturday 1830hrs "25 Jun Monday 1330hrs
27 Jun Wednesday 1030hrs" 1 PT and 2 FT airings committed

NGC India Will not air

NGC Taiwan 1 Jul Sunday 2200hrs

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Doctor letter

Dear all

Dear all;
First of all we would like to say thank you to all the donor that have donate money to my daughter for the ‘Transplantation fees’ last year(2011)
As after the ‘Cord Blood Transplantation’ we can say it was success but she is currently treated with oral medication (cyclosporine-A (60 mg thrice a Day), Trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, Oral acyclovir and Intravenous immune globulin (IVIG) was given, at a dose of 500 mg perkilogram, every 8 weeks for both immune replacement and immunomodulatory indications.)  which is a bit high cost for our living. Eventually, the above medications will be tapered over a period of time, and then discontinued 12 months post-transplant.

We know that we can’t abuse people sympathy because we know there is still a lots of people need your help not only us. We can’t keep asking people donate, I need people to help and support us but first step is we gonna help ourselve first. Currently I’ve learning some knitting skill by knitting some keychain, hairclips, hairband for sale hoping to get money for my daughter medical fees. Hope you all can take a little time to visit my blog we hope to get support from you all, thanks a lot!

Thanks for the concern!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Dear all,

We've already arrived to Taiwan on 24th June 2011. We currently don't have a good network to update our blog so we just keep update our communitty. Sorry for the inconvience. We bring Mitsuki's some places in Taiwan before we addmitted to the hospital. She really enjoy it and have much more fun! First day we addmitted to the hospital is last monday 4th July 2011. She get a bit nervous coz it seems a new place for her to stay and the next day wich is Tuesday, she is having an operation. At the moment we already change our wad to another, which we need to wearing mask, gloves and a special dress before we enter to see Mitsuki's. This wad is specially for bacteria free so we can't drink, eat and etc.. in this room. Anymore details or futher more details we will update in our community so keep visit our community. Thanks!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Thanks to every Donor

六月24日我门就会去台弯了,我门每一个人的心情都很紧张,由其是MITSUKI, 每一晚都睡不好。

24th JUNE 2011, we'll going to Taiwan to undergo cord transplantation for MItsuki. Everyone are nervous here, especially Mitsuki, she can't sleep well every night this two weeks. Hope that everthing will going to
be smooth in Taiwan!
Thanks to every donor again here!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011